Friday, August 12, 2011

How should I handle this situation involving my ex?

So about 3 weeks ago my boyfriend decided to end things between us after a 5 month relationship. (which isn't the longest time if you think about it but it still meant a lot to me since I hadn't been in a serious relationship before that for 2 years) It was nice to fall in love again, and things seemed to be going fine, maybe not amazing because we only saw each other once a week or even sometimes twice a week because of our work schedules. And when we did see each other it was always the same thing, either dinner at a restaurant or movies, we only did special things every once in a while, so i guess he eventually started getting bored and just when our relationship was going somewhere he decided that he wanted to be single again, and because he was started school again this september, he also said that he lost his love for me so he had to end things. I was caught off guard because i didn't imagine him to end it so soon. The first 2 days after he broke up with me i kept calling, texting, him and begging for him back, which wasn't the smartest thing to do, because i knew it was only pushing him away further. A week after he left me when I was emotionally intact again, we decided to meet up so that I can express how i felt about everything and for him to say how he felt. Overall it went good but he said that we could be friends and that if anytime i just wanted to hang out he is willing to come see me, but i knew that it wasn't going to work like that. 3 weeks later i've learnt to cope with everything and i haven't talked to him ever since but today i saw his facebook and i saw pictures of him with other girls already, which made my stomach turn, I really was urged to call him but everyone keeps telling me to not talk to him unless he reaches out first, this week is his birthday and everyone is saying to not wish him anything and just completely erase him because talking to him will only drive him away, its been tearing me apart because I miss him terribly and I want him back, but i don't know what to do anymore...

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