Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why Do Republicans attack the Prez for the cost of Gas, Then defend the 50 billion in subsidies they get?

The Oil Industry receives about 50 Billion dollars every year... From the United States. The Largest Portions go to the biggest companies.. Like Exxon Mobile. Who profited 12 Bllion this year .. Profits. Not before expenses. To put this into perspective. The Government of Argentina doesn't even use 40 Billion Dollars in 1 year. And they Have universal Health Coverage !!!. Subsidies are in place to keep gas affordable for Citizens. Republicans relentlessly attacked the president for the spike in gas prices. They said it was his fault. The president wants to end the 50 Billion a year going to Big oil because they have not done a good job keeping prices low for American's. Republicans are blocking the president from doing that. Why or how can the Republicans justify this decision? If we can't afford the 700 Million that goes to Pay for heating and Gas for Families in Poverty anymore. How can we afford to give Subidies to the tune of 50 Billion away , when they are making Record Breaking profits? It just amazes me how the GOP Says the President is so Anti Business, But the GOP Refuses to take the Training wheels off the Biggest earners. And wants to treat them like they need the government to survive. Then turns and attacks the president when he says they should be able to manage without government training wheels. It's absurd. That's pretty astonishing. I would rather my tax dollars go to a poor family than to some company that makes more in 1 hour than I will make in my entire life.

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