Thursday, August 11, 2011

My wife told me she isn't in love with me any more?

This is going to be long. I have to be 100% honest to get the best answers. My wife and I have been together for 9 yrs. come Sept. She was 20 and I was 23 it started as a one night stand that kept growing. After 6 months we move in together. By then her birthday had passed and we moved into our first place together. We go into fights and about a year later we moved to our second place. I broke up with her when she was 23 after her insecurities had her calling me upset when I was at work. She was lonely, didn't like to go out, and didn't work. I made her move back in with her dad. That lasted for about 3 months before we got back together. At this time I had developed a porn addiction. That of which started about 6 months before I broke up with her. The porn addiction was not due to lack of sex. So we had about 5 big fights about the porn and then one day she said, "I don't care about you looking at porn anymore." More recently she told me she had to she out the pain. So we get over my porn addiction and life moves on. Year 5.5 we were happier and getting along very well. We decide that we would like to have a child. Not trying but not being careful about it. Well it happened about 6 months after we decide that. Next thing you know we get married, probably for the wrong reasons, aka. Health insurance. Now I really f*cked up. I had began what I thought was an innocent text sex relationship. Now to be CLEAR, the text msgs we only sexual never were emotional nor did it lead to infidelity. She had a hunch but I always denied. This text sex began before her pregnancy and lasted for about 10 months. When she found out it was already in the past, about 2 months. The reason I stopped was after our child was born I knew that what I was doing was terribly wrong. That all these fantasies I should have been sharing with her. This was around year 6. We stayed together because of our child and I wanted to be with her. It took a lot of talking before she told me she forgave me. She also told me that my trust had to be earned. I would say that it took a year and a half before she was over it. Well fast forward to present. My father passed on June 4. We grieved together and with my mother. Well now I was wondering what she's been doing on her phone. It turns out she got a chat app and was talking to men. I try to think nothing of it and carry on grieving with my mother. Well last Sunday, Fathers Day, I came home from work an she is trying to tell me something bu can't spit it out. I told her that the only way we can address whats on her mind is to talk about it. Man I wish I would have waited for Monday. Her words were, "I think that there is someone out there that is going to be better for you." I ask her what she really meant and it went on to, I don't think I am in love with you anymore. Theres no mystery between us. I have feelings for other people and I don't think I should have to deny those feelings. And that I have never in the 9 years together have I made her feel like she was special. I don't show her affection. She doesn't have anything for her self. No job, money or car. I told her I do truly love her and that I will learn how to how her my love in more ways. She has heard this before and she told me she'll give me one final chance to show my love to her. But she also adds that she doesn't think that her feelings for other men will ever stop and that if she does have those feelings she will act on them. She is looking for a job and we still sleep in the same bed. I don't wantto lose her to her self. I can't stop her from doing what she wants. What in the h*ll do I do? I read threads and forums and most say that I need to leave her alone and let her do he thing while trying to improve myself while moving forward. I can do that but I don't think that will be enough. Please give me some advice. I will answer any questions ASAP. Thank you!

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